NE Dental Academy Blog

NE Dental Academy Blog

Why On-The-Job Training Is Crucial for Dental Assistants

May 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — nedentacad @ 6:00 pm
a couple of dental assistants smiling

In the dynamic world of dentistry, education doesn’t end in the classroom – though technically speaking, it never truly ends. That said, for aspiring dental assistant students who really want to make the most out of their new career, something they’ll need to heavily consider is the completion of on-the-job training. It’s not just beneficial for dental assistants; it’s absolutely essential, as it prepares them for all the trials and tribulations they’ll encounter in the field. Here’s more about this type of training and how it’s immensely helpful!

What Is On-The-Job Training Like?

On-the-job training, sometimes abbreviated as “OTJ,” is much different than sitting in a classroom and being instructed by a teacher. It takes place at an actual dental office or clinic setting, meaning you’ll be surrounded by plenty of experienced people who work there, as well as all the information, instruments, and other assets you’ll need to successfully learn and grow. Rather than solely being instructed on what to do, you’ll get the chance to immediately show off what you’re learning and practice within all sorts of contexts.

It’s sort of like going to a swimming pool and taking lessons to learn how to swim, versus reading about swimming or watching an instructional video covering swimming safety. Actually getting in the water is the best way to truly test your knowledge and swimming capabilities, and on-the-job training functions similarly for dental assistants!

Why Do Dental Assistants Need On-The-Job Training?

Dental assistants need on-the-job training for several specific reasons; perhaps the biggest one is the practical experience that is gained. You’ll be working with real patients, using actual dental equipment, and assisting veteran dentists with various procedures and treatments. Learning how to conduct and carry out various dental processes takes time and practice, so it’s best to get an early handle on as much as possible. This hands-on experience is confidence-building and immensely informative, and it’s also a more flexible and tactile way of learning, which is advantageous for some aspiring dental assistants.

Hands-on experience is also valuable for helping to gain quick entry into the field. Unlike some college programs that can last for a long time, on-the-job training lets you immediately begin your journey, often with pay. Plus, the added advantage of getting to network with experienced dental professionals is priceless – it might even end up landing you a permanent job!

About the NE Dental Academy

Here at the NE Dental Academy, our talented team and training staff have helped numerous aspiring students over the years realize their dreams and kickstart their new, exciting careers in dental assisting. If you have any questions about the article or you’d like to request information about enrollment, as well as what on-the-job training we offer, feel free to visit us online or call us today for assistance! Telephone: (508) 392-5314.