NE Dental Academy Blog

NE Dental Academy Blog

3 Questions to Keep in Mind During Your Dental Assistant Job Interview

August 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — nedentacad @ 6:14 pm
a dental assistant being interviewed

When it comes to job interviews, showing up prepared and ready to answer any question thrown your way is always going to be in your best interest. However, did you know that it’s equally important to come prepared with your own questions for the interviewer? Although they’re the person who’s vetting your experience and credentials, you’re well within your right to ask your interviewer certain questions and gain a better feel for the position – and if you’re seeking a job as a dental assistant, this is absolutely imperative! Here are three must-ask questions to take with you into your dental assistant job interview.

#1. What Is the Office Culture Like?

It’s always wise to have a good sense of what the office environment and team culture is like before you begin a new job, and most interviewers are happy to share, especially if things are positive! You might ask about dress codes, food policies, employee turnover, community outreach, birthdays and holidays, or anything else concerning day-to-day interactions. It’s also wise to gauge the office’s core values and beliefs; patient care should be paramount!  

#2. What Type of Patients Do You See?

If you’re interviewing at a pediatric office, you might not need to ask this question since it’s clear that you’ll be seeing younger patients. However, for other types of offices, it never hurts to ask about the patients they see – where do they come from, what type of dental work are they seeking, and are they committed to long-term oral wellness? Knowing more about the patients before you even meet them yourself can provide you with clues about the employee/patient dynamic within the office. It’ll also make it easier to build your own relationships with these patients!

#3. How Will I Be Sure That I’m a Successful Dental Assistant?

Above all else, you should want to truly flourish in any new job – and while there’s not always a step-by-step guide for this, at the very least, you can ask your interviewer what they believe you’ll need to do to be successful as a dental assistant. Ask them about the feedback and review process, as well as what types of opportunities for training and certification are available. This is also a chance to ask about specific qualifications for the job, though it’s normally better to know this prior to the interview.

Of course, you aren’t limited to asking just these questions during your interview; you have the right to ask about whatever you’d like, which also includes things like wages and benefits, working hours, and other requirements specific to the job. Remember, the more information you have about the position, the better you’ll feel about committing to it – so don’t be shy, ask questions, and of course, smile often!

About the NE Dental Academy

Here at the NE Dental Academy, we’ve helped numerous aspiring dental assistant students in Worcester and the surrounding area over the years, giving them the knowledge and skills they need to ultimately succeed within this exciting and ever-expanding field. If you have any questions about the blog or you’d like to get in touch with us to request more information about enrollment, you’re welcome to visit us online or call us today for assistance. Telephone: (508) 392-5314.